We provide Regulated Medical Waste services to both large and small generators, including hospitals, physician offices, clinics, veterinary offices, and dentist offices in our service areas. After collection, Stericycle picks up the Regulated Medical Waste from our facility and ensures its proper disposal through incineration or autoclaving. Using the right containers and bags for your specific type of Regulated Medical Waste is crucial for the safety of everyone involved, including generators, haulers, processors, and Landfills. It’s important to adhere to the guidelines established by DEQ, EPA, OSHA, and ODOT to ensure safe handling and disposal of Regulated Medical Waste.
Regulated Medical Waste
Container Sizes Available
- 1.9 and 4.8 Cardboard
- 31 and 43 Gallon Plastic
Service Options:
Weekly Service or Call-In
*Charges vary by area, service frequency and number of containers generated
Service guidelines:
Call-In customers must call in the day before the scheduled service day to let us know your business needs to be serviced.
All Regulated Medical Waste needs to be properly tied and prepared before our driver arrives. Please ensure a staff member who has been certified to handle and prepare Regulated Medical Waste for transport is available to sign the manifests for our driver.
If any boxes are overweight, the applicable overweight charges will be charged to your account.